Monday, July 20, 2009

Volume 2, Issue 8

AurThings Learning 2.0 Program Now Open

What is the program about?
The program is based on 23 Things Learning 2.0 program created by Helene Blowers, Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. It is set up to encourage exploration of the Internet and web technologies in the hope that not only will employees have fun, but also find new tools to enable them to better support their goals and inspire creativity.

How does it work?
The program is a self-led learning program that has been formatted into a ten week course which will begin July 20, 2009. During this time participants will explore at their own pace and can choose how in depth they go into each activity. Each week participants will be introduced to new Web tools and asked to track participation in a personal blog which they will set up and begin maintaining in week 1. Each person who wishes to receive credit for participating must have and register his/her own blog. There will be no classes or workshops offered to support this program. Instead, participants are encouraged to work together and share their insights, discoveries and solutions through their blogs or in person.

Why should you participate?
This is a great chance to spend time on your personal and professional development. All library staff need to be up-to-date with the latest trends and technology tools that Web 2.0 is bringing us everyday. We need to take time to learn how the tools can be utilized in or with our libraries. And we will know what our library users, especially younger users, are talking about!

Additionally, there is a completion incentive being offered to all permanent employees of the Auraria Library (Faculty, Classified Staff and Exempt Professionals) if you complete the program by October 23, 2009.

For more detailed information and to get started, link to the program at

2009 Downtown Denver Annual Employee Awards

Congratulations to Diane Turner for winning the 2009 DOWNTOWN DENVER ANNUAL EMPLOYEE AWARDS for Outstanding Customer Service Award. She will be given the award on Monday at Noon on July 27th in Skyline Park, where Mayor Hickenlooper, Downtown Denver Partnership President & CEO Tami Door, and Kaiser Permanente Colorado President Donna Lynne will honor Diane and two other Downtown employees with awards and Downtown prize packages. I hope some of you can attend.