Thursday, September 17, 2009

Volume 2, issue 11

New H1N1 Reporting requirement begins today.
To: All library Faculy/Staff
From: Mike Furuli
Re: H1N1 reporting

Starting TODAY Monday (9/21), all campus departments have to send a daily report to HR totalling the number of faculty/staff who have called in sick that day (this does not include students who are being counted by other means). Since I will be the person doing this (with Marical as backup) I will need everyone to call both their supervisor and me (303/556-6021) by 10:00 a.m. of each morning that they are absent.

HR has established 4 categories that they wish people to report and they are as follows:
1)Faculty/Staff Members who called in reporting absence due to their own flu-like symptoms
2)Faculty/Staff Members who called in reporting a family/household member with flu-like symptoms
3)Faculty/Staff Members who called in reporting absence due to their own other/unknown illness
4)Faculty/Staff Members who called in reporting absence due to family/household member with other/unknown illness.

When you leave your message, please give me enough information so I know which category to count you under.

No specifics will be going to HR - they just want to know the numbers in each category for each day.

For those working on the weekends, please leave me a message no later than 10:00 a.m by the following Monday.

If you work later in the day and don't realise until after 10:00 a.m that you won't be in, please call when you do know you won't be in. Also, if you leave early due to illness, please let me know when you leave.(This also applies if you are using vacation (or leave without pay) in lieu of sick leave.)

You will need to report leave on your monthly timesheets as this is a separate process from the normal monthly time reporting.

If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact either Marical or me.
Thanks! - Mike

Auraria Library is LSTA Grant Recipient

The Auraria Library has been awarded an LSTA grant to complete a project on “Latinos in Colorado: Research Sources and Research Strategies”.

Funding supports a UC Denver graduate student in public history who will identify images from the Rocky Mountain News. In addition, members of the community will be invited to contribute images. Visual images will be digitized and cataloged by our Denver Public Library partners, who will also host the virtual Latino collection on their website.

In addition, next spring UC Denver College of Arts and Media students will create an instructional video on Latino research strategies and resources.

Logos Available on Intranet Wiki library logos are now available on the intranet wiki! There are three styles: the “infinity A,” which is the A by itself; “vertical,” which is the the A with “Auraria Library” underneath it; and “horizontal,” which is the A as the first letter in the phrase “Auraria Library.” These are available in multiple sizes for all library employees to use, and they are suitable for everyday print and online use. If you need a very high-quality, high-resolution logo (i.e., for stationery or branded products) please let Nina know what you need.

Islam in American Culture Series - Dr. Mina Marefat

The Colorado Center for Public Humanities will be hosting the architectural historian and urban designer, Dr. Mina Marefat, as the second installment of the Center’s Islam in American Culture series. The event will take place on Mon., Sept. 28, 6pm-7:30, in the Executive MBA Suite of the CU Denver Building , 1250 14th St. (SW corner of 14th and Larimer), room 150.

Dr. Marefat is a Frank Lloyd Wright scholar, currently teaching at Georgetown Univ. She works on the city as a space of encounters between the Islamic world and the West. Her talk, “Transcultural Imagination: Frank Lloyd Wright in Baghdad,” looks at Wright’s 1958 urban design plans for greater Baghdad and the influence of that project on Wright’s American architecture. Dr. Marefat is also Iranian by birth, and has done considerable work on Iranian cities like Tehran, Isfahan, and Bam. So for those who are interested in contemporary events in Iran , this will be a great opportunity to talk with someone who truly understands that part of the world.

Information on all the lectures that are part of the Islam in American Culture series is provided below and at

Submissions for News@1100
Do you have something to share in News@1100? Please, submit items to Marical Farner by 12:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Volume 2, Issue 10

IT Training

The IT department will be offering a training class which will cover Wilson/Backups, Security, and an overview of online technical training offered via Skillport. This class will be offered twice (repeat). See the dates and location below:

Thursday, October 29th, 2-3 p.m. in ELC B
Tuesday, November 3rd 10-11 a.m. in ELC B

Congratulations to Nina McHale, who will be presenting a preconference entitled, “Accessibility Update: Section 508 and WCAG in a Library 2.0 World” at the upcoming LITA National Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah. LITA is the Library Information Technology Association, a division of the American Library Association. Nina’s preconference will describe how libraries can improve their websites to make them compliant with regulations that govern how web-based information is optimized for people with visual and other disabilities to use. For more information on Nina’s talk, please visit this website:


During the fall of 2009, two influenza vaccines will be available to the campus community. Public health authorities recommend both vaccines for all persons, particularly for high-risk individuals.

#1 SEASONAL FLU This vaccine is to prevent “regular”, “traditional” or “seasonal” flu.

Cost ………………………………. $20.00/Single immunization required.

Availability …………………….. The Health Center at Auraria will receive 1000 doses. High-risk patients will receive priority distribution.

Priority One ………………….. High-risk patients due to pregnancy, chronic medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, chronic heart, liver, lung or blood disorders; HIV, cancer and others) and high-risk patients due to age (AGE SIX (6) MONTHS TO 18 YEARS AND AGE 50 OR OLDER.) In addition, all students living in any campus housing units, health care workers and essential community service personnel.
Starting September 15, 2009 for High-risk Patients
Location: Health Center at Auraria - Plaza 150
Dates: Tuesday, September 15th and Wednesday, September 16th
Times: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Priority Two ………………….. All others
Starting September 23, 2009 for All Others
Location: Health Center at Auraria - Plaza 150
Dates: Wednesday, September 23rd, Thursday, September 24th and Monday,
September 28th * *Flu clinics will cease when vaccine supply runs out.
Times: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Note: Additional seasonal flu shot clinics will be announced by e-mail if the supply of vaccine is not fully depleted after any of the clinics outlined above.
#2 H1N1 FLU This vaccine is to prevent H1N1 flu (formerly referred to as swine flu.)

Cost ………………………………. Free (paid for by the Federal Government)/Two immunizations required, three (3) weeks apart; vaccine is NOT effective if only one H1N1 immunization is given.

Availability ……………………. The Health Center at Auraria will receive vaccine in batches as it becomes available from Denver Public Health officials. Exact dates of delivery are TBD, but vaccine is anticipated to be available in October of 2009. High-risk patients will receive priority distribution.

Prioritization …………………. High-risk patients due to pregnancy, chronic medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, chronic heart, liver, lung or blood disorders; HIV, cancer and others) and high-risk patients due to age (UNDER THE AGE OF 25.) In addition, all students living in any campus housing units, health care workers and essential community service personnel. Note: DRIVERS LICENSE IS REQUIRED TO CONFIRM AGE; distribution to all others will follow, if vaccine is available.
Start Date: TBD Based on Vaccine Availability
The campus community will be updated through e-mail once additional H1N1 information becomes available.

Reserves/ILL update
FYI...At the end of our first week of the semester, we have already created and updated 329 course reserve pages for our students and faculty. I don't have exact numbers for ILL at this time, however, I do know that we have been extremely busy in that area as well. I would like to acknowledge the hard work and thank all of the staff and students in the Reserve/ILL area. They have all really pitched in to get the work done.

I would like to thank my staff and students in the circulation area as well. I know they also have been pretty busy this week.


Congratulations to Rosemary Evetts!

Rosemary has successfully completed Academy of Certified Archivists exam. The Academy exists to support and promote the highest level of professional archival practice. Please congratulate Rosemary on this wonderful achievement and look for the well-earned ‘CA’ (Certified Archivist) that should now accompany her signature!

Islamic Origins of the American Blues
The Colorado Center for Public Humanities will be hosting Dr. Sylviane Diouf from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Dr. Diouf will be giving a talk on the "Islamic Origins of the American Blues," as part of the Center’s Islam in American Culture series. Lorne’s colleagues, CAM musicians Judy Coe and Sean McGowan, will be performing the songs that Dr. Diouf refers to in her talk. The event will take place on Thurs., Sept. 10, noon-1:30, in the King Center Recital Hall.